You saw it here first…

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Remember our coffee ice cubes? Awesome idea right… well our friendly coffee shop neighbors agreed and swagger jacked our idea.

Ya reeallll impressive

To pay 50 cents for coffee ice cubes you can visit Java Earth on Cass and Loring in Pacific Beach, Calif.

Skinny Bitch Grind

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Just because you’re on the full-time grind does not give you an excuse to grow a F.U.P.A. We admit that the R & G headquarters isn’t the healthiest spot on the block… but we do appreciate a good physique. So we turned to the next fitness guru, Jen K. She hasn’t eaten a cookie in years, she’s the real deal. And she said…


No but she really said…

Snacking can be an important part of your diet. Letting yourself go too long without food can lead to overeating at mealtimes, which, in turn, can cause you to pack on the pounds. Workers who sit behind a desk all day have to be especially mindful of what they’re eating. You need to focus on the task at hand, which means it’s not a good idea to deprive yourself, but you’re also not going to burn off excess calories while typing.

Here are some healthy snacks to munch on while at work on the grind:

-Fresh fruit such as apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapefruit, grapes, melons, pears, plums or berries.

-Raw Veggies with some kind of dip or hummus

-Greek yogurt with a handful of granola and fresh berries

-Whole Wheat/Multigrain crackers or pita chips with hummus

-No butter/lightly-buttered popcorn

-Rice cakes with some sort of topping (peanut butter, sliced turkey, hummus, almond butter): rice cakes are great because they are low in fat and calories, but high in texture, which makes you feel like you are actually eating something.

-Apple and peanut butter (Add all natural peanut butter, it taste the same and is sooo much better for you)

-Handful of almonds

-Trail mix with dark chocolate

-Protein bar with at least 20mg of protein to keep you full so you aren’t tempted to overeat or snack more

-A few pieces of dark chocolate (way better for you than milk chocolate)

-Nature Valley granola bars

Ants on a log: Fans of The Office will be familiar with this popular children’s snack (it is Michael Scott’s favorite), which features celery, peanut butter and raisins. The classic version is recommended by the McKinley Health Center as a “smart snack” but there are variations if you like to change up your diet. Try “Gnats on a Log” by substituting currants for the raisins, “Ants on a Snowy Log” by using cream cheese instead of peanut butter or “Ants on a Slip ‘n Slide” by adding honey to the original recipe.

Laughing Cow Mini Babybel Cheeses: A nice option for the office worker who looks to limit carbs, almost all Laughing Cow’s cheeses come in nice pre-packaged portion sizes that can keep you from over-indulging.

PopChips: A healthy alternative to those greasy, salty potato chips you’ve been buying from the company vending machine. PopChips aren’t fried (because that would be unhealthy) or baked (because we all know how those taste), but “popped” (they add some heat and pressure to the chips), which keeps them low in calories and highly delicious.

-Low Fat String Cheese

To learn more healthy shit visit:



VEGAS BABY!!!! Grinding before going to Vegas is almost impossible!!

Vegas B*itch!

It’s ridiculously difficult to keep your focus up before an epic Vegas trip is about to go down. Bright lights, a Vodka soda supply equivalent to an IV (with no bullshit legal obligations),  loud music, casinos, sparkles, sequins and sick outfits is on the horizon.  So grinding?! Seriously? Luckily the daily grind keeps us busy from over tanning, grooming and stretching out our outfits from trying them on SO many times.

Listening to certain songs is too hard because it gets you too amped (yes, it’s possible).  Vegas is spring break for “adults”. Crammed into two days for the M-F grinders. Don’t even ask if our boyfriends are coming because that’s just a stupid question. If we wanted to chill with our “bfs” we’d go to boring ass Palm Springs.

One of the best thing about Vegas is Zaddies, if you’re unfamiliar please refer to R&G lingo, I don’t have time to baby you I’m going to Vegas! The Vegas is some of the best hunting grounds for zaddies.

If you’re looking for this crew you can find us at The Palms, XS, Marquee (day & night club) and Encore Beach.

8 girls + Vegas x 48 =

Typical night in Vegas for the R & G crew

Can’t “grind” without

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Everyone has things in their life that they simply cannot live without. And why should you, in the words of the great Cher Horowitz “This is America, right?!”

So here’s a few things that we can’t grind without, and if you’re anything like us… you can’t either…

1) Most importantly COFFEE!!! Espresso, latte’s, whatever – it’s necessary to get through the day. If you’re dainty then you probably sip on tea. At one point we were so desperate at the Rise N Grind headquarters in San Diego, Calif. that we we’re drinking black coffee!

The Black Coffee - We grind HARD!

2) For all the office grinders – PANDORA! Talk about a genius invention! We highly recommend Kaskade and Pretty Lights pandora.

3) For all the ladies, online shopping. We understand the need to constantly update your wardrobe  (especially while you still look good) and mapping out your next purchase long before your next paycheck.

Here are a few of our favorite sites to “research on”:

4) G-Chat!

Google. Killing it as usual. A great way to stay connected with the homies, even when they are states away. If you don’t have a G-Chat account we strongly recommend getting one ASAP. If you’re on that no-computer grind then you’re S.O.L.

5) Ical, Google calendar.

With all the Pandora, Ghat, online shopping going on you need something to keep you on your A game. And that’s a calendar. If you have G-chat, then you have a Google calendar which will send you reminders about everything you need to-do. It’s truly a job saver maybe even a pay raiser 😉

The calendar of a full-time grinder

Sick of watered down iced coffee?


Who doesn’t LOVE LOVE LOVE iced coffee?! No one. Coffee is a grinding essential and you don’t want some melted ice cockblocking your coffee buzz by watering it down.

It’s summer so iced coffee is a great substitute for hot coffee (especially in San Diego where they haven’t gotten the AC memo). So we at Rise N Grind have invented something just for YOU! Coffee ice cubes!!! They’re great because when they melt in your drink it’s just more coffee crack greatness instead of lame ass water!

To make coffee ice cubes you will need:

– An old school ice tray

– Coffee

– A freezer

Step one: Make some coffee

Step two: Pour the coffee into the ice tray

Step three: Place tray in freezer and wait!

End Result:

Voilà! Coffee Ice Cubes

Edgy cubes


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Friday…. fuck ya!!!!  The weekend is so close (unless you grind on the weekend… sucks for you) yet so far, you can almost taste the vodka soda.

Working on Friday is kind of  like hearing “Back that Azz Up” at the club, it’s like “okkkkaaaaayyyyy”. You can’t help but smile a little and before you know it you’ve got a little pep in your step (and are potentially grinding with a bro!).

So on a Friday grind, you’re frustrated when you first wake up, but then you remember it’s Friday and it’s a little better. Wait… A LOT better except when…

You’re hungover. It’s NOT uncommon to be hungover on a Friday grind. Double margs on Thursday night can happen… it’s cazual. Thursday is Friday’s closet slut sister… which can be hella fun! (All you ASU Sundevils – Don’t act like you don’t remember Thursday’s Baby Thursday) It’s also chill to roll in late to work and dip out early (well, according to us don’t get mad at us if your  supervisor disagrees).

Everyone celebrate and rejoice, its FRIDAY!!!! Rack ’em up!!!!

So… how many more hours till happy hour?

How to: Unwind After Your Grind

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Grinding is no easy feat, so it’s necessary to properly unwind. Post grind unwinding is kind of like Savasana after Yoga. If you don’t do it… all that hard work was for nothing.  We all can’t all be unemployed betches.
Your unwind should include (but not limited to):

Champagne (obvi).. after all, you need to celebrate all your M-F hard work!

Champange loves everyone

Sunset Bike Ride

Pacific Beach, Calif.

Most importantly (for the moment), bronzing… with champagne ;):

Fruit & Cheese platter

Add a splash of Kir Royale to your champ. for rasberry flavor! Yum 🙂

Pup’s on the Grind

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Deja enjoying her morning coffee


Gremlin enjoying an expresso

Gremlin sippin' on expresso

Googling the nearest Petsmart... where the pets go!


Darla doing work on her paw pad2 alongside her personal assistant


Laptops are SO 2010... it's putting Darla and her assistant to sleep


If you have a puppy that grinds send us a photo and we’ll post it!!

Good morning world!

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Do not make the mistake of underestimating the importance of your alarm clock. The sound you wake up to sets the overall tone for your day. If you wake up and dread the sound of your alarm clock, you’re going to dread your day. If you wake up to an upbeat, feel-good alarm you’re more inclined to be positive throughout your day.

A good alarm is the difference between an awesome day and horrible day.

Here are some of our tips when it comes to alarms:

1) Pick an alarm with a sound that escalates. It should start soft and slow and gradually build up until it wakes you up. (Think Lil Wayne “Let the Beat Build“)

2) Chill for a minute before you grind. Hitting snooze a couple of times is OK!

3) If you’re new to the grind (all you recent college grads. we know it’s tough!) set a song as your alarm. Think of it as a pre-game to your day.

4) Like the people you live with! Waking up with someone/people (depending on your living situation) whose company you appreciate you will have a better grind slash better life. If you’re living with a weirdo/hater you need to bail ASAP it will bring you down.

Suggested Alarms for Blackberry & Iphone users:

Blackberry: Latin groove is great, antelope is HORRIBLE!

Iphone: Marimba and Ascending are good. Do NOT use alarm, it’s dreadful!

If you aren’t an Iphone or Blackberry owner… sorry we can’t help you!